All posts by tonyaspelhaug

Monday 06/09

Was dragging today and did not want to work out.  Forced myself and half way through I got the fever!  Then I had to force myself to stop or I would be late for work.  Did some weights today.

Walking tonight.  Looking forward to it.  Still stiff and a bit sore.  Hope this feeling goes away SOON!

Sunday 06/08

I didn’t do any work yesterday.  Went to a graduation BBQ and did some cleaning around the house.  

Today I did some yard work.  Moved the front and part of the back.  My son Josh came out and finished.  I pulled weeds along the fence and house.  It started raining so I was already wet and sticky so I went ahead and did my walk earlier in the day.  I did 2 1/2 rounds with the dumbbells.  I did go as fast as I would have liked.  The rain made my knee hurt and the shoes I was wearing were my lawn shoes so my feet were aching.  I didn’t throw in the towel but I wanted to LOL.  I still did my laps and worked my arms at the same time.  I came in showered and went grocery shopping.  

Next thing is to work the nutrition in on this.  I have been watching what I eat but at the same time eating what I want.  I just don’t allow myself to engorge.  I am slowly working carbs out my meals and when my diet coke is gone I am going to move to infused waters.  I drink a ton of water every day but I love my pop!  My daughter is wanting to lose some weight so we are going to hit this nutrition a little harder.  I am also going to start weeding out some processed foods.  I have found some pretty good sites for recipes so I am going to start using them.  If I can eat healthier a meal a day, then days a week I can slowly move to MOST of the time.  

Tomorrow I will hit the gym and use some of the Medicine Ball workouts I got from my friend Heather.  Looking forward to that.  I am also going to start making my own breakfast and bringing to work.  I don’t eat until after my workout and I have been getting an Egg White Delight and a yogurt Parfait from McDonalds or a veggie omelet with egg beaters and 2 pieces of dry wheat toast from the cafeteria at work.  I am going to make my own scrambled omelet and have some protein oatmeal in place of the toast.  Hopefully this will be healthier!  I am going to take my lunch tomorrow and make a salad out of the chicken breast I made today and some strawberries I have.  2 better meals.  I will weigh tomorrow and see if I have lost any weight.  See you then. 

Friday 06/06

This morning I worked out before work. I tried to be cute and add some dumbells to my workout on the treadmill.  I eventually got tired closed my eyes and slip off the back of the machine. LOL I put the dumbells down and got back on.  My legs are really sore but I keep going.  

Tonight I lost both my walking partners.  I put in the earphones and went at it.  I went a whole extra lap and my shirt was completely drenched by the time I got home.  I did the last two laps with my dumbbells I have at home.  Stepping up my game.  

King size to Queen.  First goal lol  🙂

My First Blog

I started the slow transition to change a few months back.  I fell of the wagon and I have found a new wagon.  2 weeks ago I started going into work early a few times a week to work out before starting.  We have a gym onsite and I paid to join. My plan was to walk at night.  I was lazy and didn’t walk at night for almost a week but I am back on track.  Today I worked out at the gym and came home and worked up a good sweat walking.  My daughter, Breanna, and friend Tasha walk with me.  I left them behind today and stepped up my game.   I went an extra half round for good measure.  I am not sure if I will be successful but I am going to give it my all.  Wish me luck on my Journey to Make a Change for ME!